Prodigy Disc Golf D Model S (BaseGrip)


3 in stock


The D Model S is one of the first discs released in the Prodigy Ace Line. In the naming of this disc, the D stands for Distance while the S stands for Stable. The D Model S is described as having a slow turn with a soft fade when thrown with power.

Prodigy’s Ace Line discs are designed by Prodigy in the USA and are available at the lowest cost for quality disc golf discs.

BaseGrip is a quality base level plastic in Prodigy’s Ace Line.  Base grip plastic has an excellent feel. While this is considered a base plastic, it is more durable than baseline plastics from most other brands.

Additional information

Weight 7.1 oz
Dimensions 9.0 × 9.0 × 1.0 in
