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Innova Stingray

Red stingray No ratings yet.

The Stingray by Innova is a dependable mid-range disc. With low speed and an understable nature this is a disc that is suitable for all conditions and it flies with a grace like a Stingray. The flight rating of 4/5/-3/1.

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Innova Stingray

Innova Stingray Quick Stats:

  • Disc Width: 21.7cm (100.18% of average)
  • Disc Height: 1.8cm (89.69% of average)
  • Rim Thickness 1.1cm (93.46% of average)
  • Available Weights (DX): 150-176g
  • Available Weights (Champion): 170-180g. Available here
  • Available Weights (Star): 150-176g

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Innova Wolf

Blue Wolf No ratings yet.

The Wolf is the most understable mid-range disc that Innova offers. For that reason, this is the preferable disc for those players who have a hard time throwing level, and instead keep their wrist lower in their throw. If you notice your disc falling just to the left of the basket (for back hand, right-handed players), then the Wolf may be your best bet at a solution!

The Wolf is a fairly thin disc that somewhat resembles the catch and throw style. Available in a wide range of weights, from 150 grams to a heavier 180 grams, only in Innova’s affordable DX plastic.

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Innova Wolf

Innova Wolf Quick Stats

  • Disc Width: 21.8cm (100.64% of average)
  • Disc Height: 1.6cm (79.72% of average)
  • Interior Rim Height: 1.1cm (93.46% of average)
  • Rim Width: 1.2cm (82.03% of average)
  • Available Weights (DX): 150-180g

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Discraft Banger GT Soft

Pink Banger GT No ratings yet.

If you like the Banger GT, but love soft flexible plastic, the Banger GT Soft is the perfect solution. This putter disc combines the best of the Banger, with its understable flight path and thumb gripping groove, with the grip and control of soft plastic. This is a great putter to help disc golfers of all skill levels lower their scores.

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Discraft Meteor

Blue and Red Meteor No ratings yet.

As one of the understable mid-range discs in Discraft’s lineup, the Meteor is great for controlled anhyzer shots. If you’re right handed, throw backhanded, and need a disc that is going to fly off to the right, then look no further. The Meteor will turn and glide allowing for beginners to receive more controls.

The Meteor comes in premium ESP plastic. This is one of the best golf disc plastics on the market, providing superior grip and durability. The Meteor is available in weights between 167-178 grams. Lighter weight discs will anhyzer more easily.

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Discraft Meteor


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Discraft Comet

Glo Comet/White No ratings yet.

This slightly understable straight flyer will leave a trail of amazement wherever you use it. This is a very versatile disc that can handle a multiplicity of shots and various conditions. Discraft gives the Comet a stability rating of 0.

The Comet available in the premium and highly durable ESP and Z plastics.

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Discraft Comet

Comet Quick Stats

  • Disc Width: 21.8cm (100.64% of average, 101.16% average Midrange)
  • Disc Height: 2.1cm (104.63% of average, 106.54% average Midrange)
  • Interior Rim Height: 1.3cm (110.45%of average, 101.81% average Midrange)
  • Rim Width: 1.2cm (80.66% of average, 92.74% average Midrange)
  • Available Weights: 164-180g

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