When it comes to disc golf, putting can be considered the most important part of any disc golfers game. To some, it seems like a fairly easy task because it’s only a short distance away but ask any disc golfer that has missed an important putt and they will tell you otherwise. There can be a lot of things to consider like the wind conditions or the distance to the basket that make putting difficult. One of the great things about disc golf putting is there are some choices. Players have several ways to get the disc from point a to point b and no way is the correct or best way. Hopefully, this article will give you some ideas on disc golf putting styles to consider if you are just starting out or some styles to start practicing for a specific occasion.
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Major Putting Styles
There are two major putting styles in disc golf: the spin put and push putt. While some players fit firmly into one style or the other, some players take components from both. Let’s take a look at these styles more closely.
Spin Putt
Players that chose the method of spin putting are throwing the disc at the basket and putting spin on the disc similarly to the way they drive off the tee. The disc leaves the hand and flies in almost a straight line to the basket.
This method is great because the wind has less effect on the disc as it travels to the basket. Another benefit to the spin putt is players aren’t making modifications to the release point in order to accommodate for distance. It’s basically the same repeatable motion whether you are at 10 feet or 30 feet.
This works because the spin a player imparts on the disc allows the disc to stay in the air longer and gives the disc more glide. Spin putting is also a great putting style for a beginner because it’s a highly repeatable motion and there is less to consider when putting.
With all that said, the spin putt isn’t perfect and there are drawbacks. One is that there tend to be more spit outs. This is because the disc is hitting the chains at a high speed. Another drawback to the spin putt is the disc tends to fly past the basket farther if you miss your putt.
Push Putt
The Push putt is more of a toss to the basket than it is a throw. Like shooting a free throw, the push putt works by lobbing the disc at the basket in an arcing flight path.
Many players find this method to be highly accurate inside 30 feet of the basket. Another great thing about this putting method is it’s very similar to common daily tasks like throwing something into the trash. If you have a lot of experience in a sport like basketball the mechanics of shooting can carry over well to putting a disc into the basket.
A major drawback to the push putt is you have to change the arch of the shot based on the length of the putt and it may not work as well outside the circle. Windy conditions affect the flight path of the disc and the disc is more easily pushed away from your target because you tend to release the disc with a slight nose up.
For more information on the push putting style check out this article!
A lot of players combine mechanics from both the spin and push putting styles to form one hybrid putting style. This is commonly referred to as the spush putt. Instead of standing still and throwing the spin putt or bending at the waist and releasing at a higher arch, they bend at the waist and push the disc but release it with more spin.
Alternative Putting Styles
While the spin putt and push putt are considered the two dominant putting styles in disc golf there are some alternative styles to consider. These alternatives can be viewed as a players main putting style but more likely these styles can be used for specific situations out on the course.
Turbo Putt
The turbo putt is something completely different than the push and spin putt. It looks more like a traditional throw of a baseball but you’re balancing the disc on your thumb and you are using your other four fingers to release the disc with a spin.
The main benefit of the turbo putt is it allows you to release the disc a higher point than the other styles. This works great if you are in trouble and you have a bush or obstacle in front of you. The turbo putt allows you to throw over it and land the disc inside the basket.
Some drawbacks to this putting style would be that the turbo putt is more difficult to learn and get right over and over. It’s also less accurate at longer distances. This style might not work as your primary putting style but would be great to learn for some situations.
Jump Putt
The jump putt might be the most controversial throw in disc golf but if we put that aside this putting styles allows players to extend the distance for their putt by using their legs to jump. This works similar to a jump shot in basketball.
The jump putt could be described as a player using their normal putting style but with the addition of a jumping forward motion. The jumping motion is used to get more power and extend the reach of the disc. Players can only use the jump putt method if they are 10 meters from the basket otherwise the jump couldn’t be used.
Aside from the distance from the basket, something else you will need to watch out for when jump putting is your feet. Your plant foot will need to remain in contact with the ground until the disc is released from your hand. If your foot comes up before the release this would be considered a foot fault.
Putting Stance
Another verification between putting styles to consider is the player’s stance or foot placement. Here we will take a look at two different stances that most players decide to use when facing a disc golf basket on the green.
Straddle Stance
The straddle putt refers to putting with your legs stretched apart usually about shoulder width. Some players chose to have more weight distributed to one foot or the other but usually, your weight is distributed equally between both feet. When using the straddle putt players are drawing the disc back and under them and then extending it forward until their release.
If the straddle putt isn’t your normal putting style, it’s still something you may want to consider practicing. If you ever find yourself with a lie behind a tree or another obstacle having the ability to stretch out to one side or the other and putt unobstructed is very helpful.
Staggered Stance
The staggered putt or the inline putt as it is sometimes referred to is a putting style where the players have their feet staggered one in front of the other forming a line. The player will bring the disc back and hinge at the waist and then extend the disc forward in a line to the basket.
The great thing about this stance is the player is using their weight transfer from the back foot to their forward foot and putting straightforward which keeps aiming the putt quite simple. Wherever your front foot is pointing is where you will be putting.
Final Thoughts
Again, one of the great things about this game is the choices every disc golfer has to make. Players have several options when it comes to which of the disc golf putting styles they wish to go with when facing a basket on the green. Another great thing about disc golf is there is no dominant way of doing things. If you are a new player hopefully this has given you some ideas on which putting style to select as your main style. If you are a veteran player, I hope this article has given you some things to consider practicing as an alternative to your normal style.
Image Credit Flickr Creative Commons – Aspen Snowmass, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows