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Halex Midrange

Halex Midrange Disc Golf Disc 1/5 (1)

The Halex Midrange is a 160 gram base plastic understable golf disc that has the same shape and flight as the Halex Driver. It really seems that the only thing different between the Driver and the Midrange is that the stamp printed on the Midrange says Midrange rather than Driver.

Like the Driver, this disc does not fly well if thrown for more than 100 feet. It likes to turn quickly and roll on the ground rather than fly through the air like normal disc golf discs. The Halex Midrange should only be recommended for children and beginners who don’t have much athleticism. The Halex Midrange is not PDGA approved, nor should it ever bee because there is no reason that any player would ever want to use this disc in a tournament.

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Halex Putter

Halex Golf Disc Putter 3/5 (1)

The Halex Putter is a standard understable putter disc that works well for beginners. This disc weighs 167 grams (at least that’s what’s printed on the front stamp of this disc) and is available in a stiff base level plastic. The Halex putter has decent glide and stays fairly straight. This is a smooth putter that does not have a bead around the rim. The flight of the Halex Putter is good for new disc golfers who are familiar with the flight of a traditional frisbee. The Halex putter works well for both backhand and forehand approach shots.

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Halex Driver

Halex Golf Disc 160 Gram Driver 1/5 (1)

The Halex Driver is possibly the most understable disc golf driver on the market. While this disc doesn’t have official flight ratings, in fact the only information about it is that it is 160g, this disc will experience “high speed turn” for low power shots of less than 100 feet. If you try to throw it with full power it will flip all the way upside down. At medium speed it will turn into a roller, but usually doesn’t roll very far before falling upside down.

If this disc had flight ratings they would be something like 6/4/-10/1. This disc is even too understable for beginners and would only be useful for young children and brand new players with very limited arm speed that are looking for a disc that will turn right with a right hand backhand throw.

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