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How To Throw Disc Golf?

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With over 6000 courses, 75% of all disc golf courses globally come from the United States. Still, there are those wondering: how to throw disc golf? This is a common question most beginners ask after encountering disc golf for the first time. Although this may sound easy, this activity requires certain steps. But, if you are familiar with playing frisbee, this might be easy to learn.

Generally, throwing disc golf varies into two different methods: backhand and forehand throwing, wherein backhand is considered the most popular method people use. So to further explain these two methods and other information about disc golf, consider reading this article.

What Is Disc Golf?

Disc golf is played similarly to traditional golf. However, a golf disc is used instead of a ball and clubs. The sport was formally established in the 1970s, and like golf, the goal is to get through each hole using as few strokes, or in disc golf, throws, as possible.

Disc golf is your best option if you’re looking for a sport to learn, share, and play for the rest of your life. It’s a fun way to get in shape, burn calories, and challenge your mind and body without breaking the bank. Practicing throws and overcoming challenges are great ways to hone your focus. Players with less physical fitness can enter the game and work up to the appropriate pace.

Parts Of A Disc Golf

Despite the simplicity of a flying disc, a great deal of planning and research goes into the construction of each mold. Discs are more than just round plastic pieces flying through the air. Golf discs are formed with particular aerodynamic properties and features in mind. With that, below are the main parts of a golf disc.

  • Shoulder
  • Upper Flight Plate
  • Bottom Flight Plate
  • Lower Rim Profile
  • Upper Rim Profile
  • Rim Wall
  • Rim Bottom

Disc Golf Throwing Methods

Backhand Throwing

backhandAnswering how to throw disc golf, the backhand throw is the most popular method. Stand sideways to the target for the first step and place your weight on your back foot. In that way, you can keep the direction of the disc in a straight line. For the second step, you grip the disc with your thumb on top while underneath are your fingers.

After that, hold your arm straight, then pull it behind you. The next procedure is holding the disc flatly. With this, you can increase your throw’s distance. For the fifth step, swing your arm forward and release it. Transfer your weight to your front foot as you throw during the release from your back foot. Lastly, after the throw, allow your arm to swing.

Forehand Throwing

Tuesday Tips: Building A Bag [Forehand Discs – Pt. 5] - Ultiworld Disc Golf

If the first method is throwing a backhand, the other one on how to throw disc golf will be the forehand throw. Compared to backhand throw, forehand throw only consists of four simple steps. So the first thing you should do when throwing a forehand is simply grip the disc between your thumb and middle finger. Next, stand sideways with your feet shoulder-width apart from the target.

Then, flatly hold the disc while pulling your arm away from the target. Make sure to keep your wrist horizontal because this can help your disc to keep flying straight. And for the last step, with your wrist and forearm, flick it forward and then release the disc.

Different Types Of Disc Golf

Distance Drivers

First, on the type list, you have distance drivers, the most common type among disc golfers. These drivers are suitable for max distance and range of a certain course. Distance drivers are known to be normally flat on the top and have wider rims. With its thin and sharp edges feature, you will need a lot of strength and speed just to throw it for a full flight.

For instance, if you reach the required speed with a single throw, these drivers can easily fly between 400 to 500 feet or even more. Thus, to throw distance drivers, remember to train your arm speed and disc control diligently.

Midrange Discs

As the name suggests, mid-range discs are the most convenient among other disc types since they are in the middle type. These are the disc golfs you can use, suitable for almost any situation on the course. Moreover, mid-range discs are also bulkier in look compared to drivers. 

As a result, mid-range discs can only zoom at long distances, much less than others. Generally, these discs can provide better consistency if you need more tact other than distance.

Fairway/Control Drivers

Fairway/control drivers are known for being accurate and consistent in the long range. Aside from that, these drivers are easy to control and throw compared to long-distance drivers. A fairway/control driver would best represent a balanced disc gold between accuracy and distance. 


Unlike other disc golf types, putters are usually much bulkier, making them less aerodynamic. Meaning, putters are not generally designed for long drives. Instead, these can be used strategically to increase distance during practice. In addition, you can also use putters for various shots like short and long putts, short drives, and approach shots.

Best Disc Golf

With its continuous popularity, disc golf is now accessible globally. Ranging from numerous designs, brands, styles, colors, and forms. Regardless, each disc golf has its perks and uniqueness. Below are some of the best disc golfs accessible in the market that could match your needs and preferences.

Complete Your Outdoor Activities With Disc Golf!

The satisfaction of sinking a long putt and the disappointment of smacking a tree midway down the fairway are both present in disc golf. And anyone can play rounds for free in public parks if they know how to throw disc golf. Indeed, disc golf is a fitness activity that can be enjoyed and played by people of varying ages, gender identities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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How To Play Disc Golf

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Like traditional golf, disc golf is played with clubs and a ball. But instead of going for a hole, players throw discs toward a pole sticking out of the ground and into a basket at the top. It’s a good healthy exercise that anybody can do since learning it doesn’t take long, and anyone can join in on the fun. Disc golf aims to make it from the tee position to the basket without using more than three throws for each hole. Learn how to play disc golf by continuing to read.

Tips For Playing Disc Golf

The Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners in 2023

The satisfaction of scoring a long putt and the disappointment of smacking a tree midway down the fairway are both present in disc golf. It takes roughly half the time of a round of golf but may be played for free in public parks. Learn the basics of disc golf with these helpful tips.

1. Playing Requirements 

You can play disc golf with only a disc. That settles it! Disc golf may be played almost wherever there is open space and a disc; a course does not need to be specifically constructed or built.

Discs are cheap depending upon the plastic quality and extras like printing or stamping. That’s enough to get four people started on a new hobby where they can play on over 10,000 courses, the vast majority of which cost nothing. These benefits make disc golf more than just a frisbee sport. You may find discs at any sporting goods shop or internet disc golf vendors.

Here are some recommended discs available for you to choose from:

2. Type Of Discs

Disc golf beginners may feel overwhelmed by the wide variety of discs available. It’s kind of like golf in that you have a bunch of clubs at your disposal, but you could only end up using a few of them. If you’re just starting with disc sports, you can simplify that list to each of the examples provided. 

Fairway Drivers 

Since they are designed to go shorter distances, fairway drivers have smaller rims and are more manageable for beginners. Even though fairway drivers can only go you so far, they’re perfect for shorter drives, smoother flights, tighter lines, and less end-over-end spin. Fairway drives are a solid option for both seasoned pros and beginners.

Distance Drivers

Distance drivers can cover the most ground. However, they need the highest possible velocity to maintain their designed flying characteristics. Distance drivers’ broader rims and sharper noses may not be ideal for players of lesser skill levels or slower swing speeds.


A putter aims to create a straighter and shorter line for the ball as it moves. Putting is the most accurate form of playing because putters spin the slowest. Using them will boost your shooting percentage and decrease the range of your shot. 


If you’re just starting, midranges are a fantastic option. Midranges tend to have more consistent flights and less deviance from their intended flight than fairway and distance drives do. The narrower, more universally-appealing rims of midranges have somewhat deeper inner rims than those of drivers. This is a great choice to get the ball close to the hole or through tight fairways.

3. Find A Spot To Play

The majority of parks close at night or shortly after sunset. That rules out public parks unless there is some kind of night disc golf tournament. Some organizations and leagues do use parks late at night for their games.

Once you’ve been playing for a while, you’re certain to run across other golfers. Here’s how to play disc golf with them, contact them and ask whether they own a home course. Or if they know of somebody who does. It’s safe to say this is your best option. 

If you don’t like the options above, you might begin building your course. The one catch is that you’ll need access to many acres of land. Making your course has the advantage that you may modify it to fit your specific needs. You’re free to dig as many holes as you want. And the greatest part is that you may use it anytime you want to! 

4. Look For A Friend To Play With

After deciding where to play, the next step is searching for a partner or teammates; you can find at least one or two friends to hang out with and have fun with. Knowing how to play disc golf with friends or family is a great experience because it is a fun activity that brings people together. 

A 9-hole disc golf course takes around an hour, and two to three hours are needed to play a whole 18-hole course. Time flies while you’re having a good time.

5. Master The Art Of Throwing

You shouldn’t expect too much of yourself on your first visit to the disc golf course, even though the sport is enjoyable and simple. The fundamental throws mirror the “throw and catch” approach; everyone thinks about throwing a disc and how to play disc golf.

It would be best if you mastered the fundamentals of disc golf throwing to increase your distance and accuracy from the tee by 30 to 100 meters. Watching how more seasoned players toss may teach you a lot.

The two most challenging aspects of knowing how to play disc golf for a beginner are achieving spin and speed while releasing the disc. It requires practice to perfect the timing and skill to make spin and speed equal distance. If a beginner begins with a disc in the middle of the weight spectrum, they can pick up the game more quickly than someone with a heavy, high-speed driver. 

Discover More About The Sport Of Disc Golf

The game is basic and quite comparable to golf. Just stick to the hole numbers on the course. To play, one must first toss the disc from the starting pad and continue playing from wherever the disc lands. The number of possible disc golf throws is almost infinite. One of the many appealing aspects of golf is the opportunity for individual expression that each shot provides.

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What Is Disc Golf?

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Disc golf is a fun and exciting outdoor sport people enjoy worldwide, but what is disc golf, exactly? This game involves throwing a disc toward a metal or chain basket to get it into it in as few throws as possible. 

It’s a sport where you combine physical skill, mental focus, and a love of the outdoors. Today, this article will cover the basics of this sport, including who and why you should play it, the equipment you need, and the rules and techniques used by players of all skill levels. 

Who Plays Disc Golf?

Disc golf is a sport enjoyed by a diverse range of people, including men and women of all ages and skill levels. For beginners who wonder what disc golf is, it is a sport played by many for fun, as a hobby, or as a point of interest and passion. Some take this sport seriously and even participate in competitions and tournaments to test their skills, techniques, and improvements.

Why Should You Play Disc Golf?

Here are some of the reasons why you should play disc golf:

Challenging & Fun Pass Time

Disc golf requires physical and mental skills and can provide a satisfying challenge for players of all skill levels. Whether you are a professional or a beginner who does not have a clue what disc golf is, you will find this sport fun and challenging at the same time.

A Great Way To Enjoy Nature

Disc golf courses are often located in beautiful natural settings, and playing the sport can be a great way to appreciate and enjoy your surroundings.

It’s A Great Exercise

For beginners wondering what disc golf is, it is also a way for many to exercise and move their bodies. Disc golf involves a lot of walking or hiking, which can be a fun way to get outdoors and stay active.

A Way To Make Friends & Socialize

Some people not knowledgeable about disc golf often mistake it as a sport for competitive tournaments. But in some ways, disc golf is a social sport where players can come, join, play, meet new people, and build lasting friendships.


Unlike other sports requiring bulk tools and expensive equipment to participate, disc golf is affordable for everyone, even students. Tools like discs and carry bags are relatively inexpensive. Many courses are also free to play.

Things You Need To Get Started

To learn more about disc golf, you must also know what tools or equipment to get started.


Disc Golf Tips for Disc Golf Beginners: The Best Disc Golf Discs to Start  With

You’ll need at least one, ideally a few different types of discs to play different shots, such as a driver, mid-range, and putter. Understanding the different types of discs will better understand which one suits you and which technique you must master.

Some of the highly recommended disc golf discs include:

Bug Spray

Bug spray might be necessary to keep pesky insects at bay, depending on where you’re playing. Bringing a bug spray prepares you for any uncertainties while in the play.

Carrying Bag

A carrying bag is useful to keep your discs organized and easy to carry around the course. Now that you are learning disc golf, you will soon realize that keeping your discs organized and in a safe place is imperative to ensure they last for the longest time.

Pencil Or Pen

You’ll need something to write with to mark your scorecard.


If you’re playing on a sunny day, you’ll want to protect your skin with sunscreen.


Keeping score is an important part of the game, and many courses will provide scorecards for free or a small fee.


You’ll want comfortable shoes that provide good support and traction on uneven ground. A good pair must not be too loose or fit for you, so you must find the right size when playing disc golf.


A towel can dry off your disc and your hands and keep them clean and dry during the game.

Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is important, so a reusable water bottle is a must. Bringing a water bottle to every play will also remind you to keep yourself hydrated all the time. Instead of buying water bottles each time, bringing your water is more convenient and a much savvier choice.

Types Of Disc Golf Discs


Putters are designed to fly straight and have a low glide, which makes them perfect for short-range shots and putting. They are generally slower and more stable, with a shallow rim and a blunt or rounded edge. For beginners still learning their way about what is disc golf, here are some of the best disc golf putters you may take a look at.


Mid-range discs are used for shots that require more distance than a putter but less than a driver. They are more versatile than putters, with a slightly deeper rim and a sharper edge. If you prefer this type of disc, here are some of the best disc golf midrange discss.


Drivers are designed for long-range shots and maximum distance. They are generally faster and more overstable than other discs, with a wider rim and a sharper edge. 

But for beginners just starting their way in learning what is disc golf, this may appear confusing as there are different types of drivers. Each has its characteristics that make them suitable for certain types of shots. 

Rules & Etiquettes On How To Play Disc Golf

To deeply understand what is disc golf and how to play it, we must learn its objectives, rules, techniques, and unique languages or lingos when playing disc golf.


The objective of disc golf is similar to traditional golf. It is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws possible. The player who completes the course with the lowest number of throws wins.

Rules & Regulations

Disc golf has various rules and regulations that govern gameplay, including rules around tee shots, out-of-bounds (OB) shots, penalties, and more.  


In understanding what is disc golf as a sport, you must also understand the techniques used in playing the game. Common techniques used by old players include backhand, forehand, and rollers.


Aside from the main purpose of the game and the rules and techniques required in acing each course, you also need to understand the special terms associated with disc golf.


In disc golf, a stroke refers to a singular disc throw. Disc golfers incur penalties for throws that go out of bounds.

Tee Throw

Tee throw refers to the designated area where a player throws the first shot on each hole.


When you hear this word when playing disc golf, it means “rest.” This happens every after each throw.


A mando is a mandatory throw that requires the player to throw their disc in a specific direction, usually indicated by an arrow or other marker. Missing a Mando incurs a one-stroke penalty.

Out Of Bounds Line

If a player’s disc lands in a designated area marked by a boundary, such as a fence or a line, known as Out of bounds (OB), they receive a penalty stroke and must throw from their previous lie.

Get Involved With Disc Golf NOW!

Disc golf can be a challenging yet fun outdoor sport that may explore. If you haven’t heard of it yet or have not tried it, learning the basics of it is essential before diving into it. This sport is a great way to keep you physically active and alert. Also, it is a great way to bond with family members and build more meaningful friendships in the course. 

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Is Disc Golf Easier Than Golf?

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Whether you’re looking to perfect your swing or just get started, disc golf and traditional golf offer something unique for everyone. Although they both involve throwing skills and talent, the ultimate objective is vastly different!

When debating between disc golf and traditional golf, one common query is which game may be easier to play. Due to various contributing elements, there isn’t a straightforward answer; nevertheless, it’s essential to contemplate the dissimilarities.

If you’re curious about the primary differences between disc and regular golf, read on. Plus, we’ll delve into which of these sports is generally simpler than the other as well!

Disc Golf Vs. Golf

Disc golf is an action-packed, competitive sport where players use a specialized flying disc to throw into designated targets known as baskets or chains.

Golf is an exciting and thrilling sport for those who enjoy it. Compared with disc golf, traditional golf has the objective of completing a round in as few strokes as possible. Golfers must swing clubs to hit small balls across 18-hole courses, creating a captivating challenge that spurs them on until they reach their destination.

Let’s take a closer look at disc golf and traditional golf sports to uncover the intriguing similarities they share while distinguishing their differences from entertaining recreational activities.

Resemblances Between Disc Golf & Golf

There are a few similarities between disc golf and golf, such as:

  • Both games require accuracy, focus, and technique to score the best
  • Both games are played in natural settings such as parks, open fields, and forests
  • In both sports, the objective is to land the disc (in disc golf) or ball (in golf) into a designated target

Differences Between Disc Golf & Golf

While there are similarities, what differs between disc golf and golf games include:

  • Equipment
  • Course Layout
  • Technique
  • Skill level

Reasons Why Disc Golf Is Better Than Golf

While some might swear by Golf, Disc Golf has garnered many passionate avid fans due to its unique advantages. Here are a few reasons why it’s proclaimed superior by these enthusiasts:

Cost-Effective Choice

Disc golf is generally much more affordable than golf. The equipment, such as discs, is much cheaper than clubs and balls. Compared with other sports like traditional golf, disc golf is one of the most impressive sports requiring less to zero cost! 

You will need nothing besides the required disc golf discs when playing. In fact, you may even borrow disc golf discs when playing or practicing for beginners instead of buying them immediately.

No Dress Code

Disc golf doesn’t usually have strict dress codes like golf courses often do. So players don’t need to worry about wearing certain clothing or footwear.

Easy To Learn

Disc Golf is generally considered easier to pick up and learn than golf. The sport has fewer rules, and the basic throwing techniques are more straightforward than the swings required in golf.

Play Whenever You Want!

Disc golf courses are usually free or available for very low fees. This means that players can play anytime without worrying about rushing to book a tee time or paying high fees.

No Bulky Equipment Needed

While golf equipment is bulky and can be a hassle, disc golf discs are easy to transport, and players can carry their entire set in a single bag.

Less Formal

Disc golf courses are often looser and far less formal than traditional golf courses, allowing players who prefer a more laid-back atmosphere to enjoy the game. By eliminating the pressures of competition and structure, this form of recreation can be truly enjoyed for its simplicity.

Different Types Of Disc Golf Discs

Each disc type comes in different models, weights, and plastics, which can further affect their flight characteristics and control. As a player wanting to progress in your skills and experience, you must understand the different types of discs and how to use them in specific courses and playstyles.

Distance Drivers

Distance drivers are designed to cover long distances and are used for the longest shots in a game of disc golf. They are aerodynamically shaped to travel further and faster than other types of discs but are more difficult to control compared to other types.

To guide you on which one to buy, here are some of the highly recommended distance drivers:

Fairway Drivers

Fairway drivers are used for mid-range shots and have a more controllable flight than distance drivers. They are best suited for shots where accuracy and control are a priority over distance. You may want to check out these recommended fairway drivers by expert players:


Midranges are used for shots that require a more precise approach. They have a more predictable flight path than drivers and are used to make short approach shots or for maneuvering around obstacles on the course. Check out these recommended midrange discs:


Putters are ideal for those shots that require touch and precision. With their rounded edge, they can easily land the ball softly! If you are looking for high-caliber putters to keep you at the top of your game, here are some of the highly recommended putters for golf discs:

Specialty Discs

Expert players looking to add an extra layer of complexity and tactics to their game may choose specialty discs. These specialized discs are ideal for particular throws, such as roller shots, hyzer shots, or overhand throws. With a specialty disc, you’ll have the edge on any course!

Disc Golf Or Golf?

A comprehensive comparison of the disc and traditional golf has revealed that the former can be less complicated for newbies to learn and have a great time. Additionally, its courses are scattered in various settings, making finding an ideal space easy!

However, it’s important to remember that both sports require skill and practice to master. Golf and disc golf both offer exceptional advantages. Ultimately, it comes down to individual preference when deciding between the two sports.

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Best Mint Discs

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The Best Mint Discs 2023

Disc golf company Mint Discs aims to produce discs of highest possible quality and consistency. A serial number on each of their discs tells you exactly what type of disc, plastic, and run number you are buying to make an informed purchase. Ensure that you know what you’re getting into before deciding to buy your next golf disc. Remember that reading disc golf reviews is the best way to find the best discs for your game. To help you, Disc Golf Action has put together a list of the Best Mint Discs 2023! Learn more by reading on.

Here’s a table with an overview of the Best Mint Discs 2023 mentioned in this article. To help you understand the discs better, we organized them by sport type.

Best Mint Discs – Distance Drivers
Name Speed Glide Turn Fade Stability
Longhorn 11.0 4.0 -1.0 3.0 Stable
Freetail 10.0 6.0 -3.0 2.0 Understable
Best Mint Discs – Control Drivers
Name Speed Glide Turn Fade Stability
Alpha 8.0 4.0 0.0 2.0 Stable
Jackalope 8.0 5.0 -2.0 1.0 Understable
Best Mint Discs – Midrange
Name Speed Glide Turn Fade Stability
Mustang 5.0 5.0 0.0 2.0 Stable
Bobcat 5.0 4.0 0.0 2.5 Overstable
Best Mint Discs – Putters
Name Speed Glide Turn Fade Stability
Bullet 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 Stable
Profit 3.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 Stable

Best Mint Discs – Distance Drivers

1. Longhorn (4.70 out of 5 Stars)


Check Mint Discs Longhorn on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Longhorn
Diameter 21.3 cm
Height 1.5 cm
Rim Depth 1.2 cm
Rim Width 2.1 cm
Max Weight 175.0 g
Speed 11.0
Glide 4.0
Turn -1.0
Fade 3.0
Used As Distance Driver
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Advanced and Intermediate
Plastic Grade Premium
Price $14.99


To make the Freetail even more sturdy, MINT Discs created the Longhorn. The Longhorn will fly down the fairway after a flip-up to flat. Then, it will begin its trusted fade.

A long-bomb, fair, stable distance driver’s dream comes true because of this disc. This new Longhorn disc from Mint is a neutral-flying 11-speed disc that skilled players can throw. Also, this high-quality disc has been produced by Mint Discs in some of the most innovative plastics.

Forehand and backhand players will both appreciate the disc’s amazing feel and its neutral flight that travels a fair distance. It’s ideal for long-range control shots that still need to land in a precise position.


  • Throwers with slower arms may use this
  • Can handle more torque
  • Perfect for both forehand and backhand shots
  • Great for throwing big hyzer lines


  • May slip out with wet hands
  • Novice players may not use it

2. Freetail (4.63 out of 5 Stars)


Check Mint Discs Freetail on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Freetail
Diameter 21.1 cm
Height 1.7 cm
Rim Depth 1.2 cm
Rim Width 2.0 cm
Max Weight 175.0 g
Speed 10.0
Glide 6.0
Turn -3.0
Fade 2.0
Used As Distance Driver
Stability Level Understable
Recommended For People With Skill Level For all skill levels
Plastic Grade Premium
Price $14.99


Freetail is the latest release from Mint Discs, and they’re back with a free boom! Understable and simple to use, this disc is a great control driver for any level of player. When thrown flat, it provides an excellent anhyzer flight and a lot of glides.

With this disc, you may throw it hard and flat and see it land on the ground and stand up for a stunning roller angle. High-velocity turns that gain a lot of glides and keep their angle are also ideal for this board.

Like the Alpha, the Freetail is a driver that prefers to be controlled rather than commanded. It’s a simple flat spin or a buttery hyzer for the finest flip-up line you’ve ever had, so go ahead and give it a try! Mint Discs provides the ideal flippy hybrid driver for you if you’re looking for a new one.


  • Feels great in your hand
  • Shapes nice lines with very little effort to hit the target
  • Showcase flip-up, turn over and fade back at the end of the flight
  • Understable distance driver with tons of glide


  • May face concerns or issues with the floppiness of the disc.

Best Mint Discs – Control Drivers

1. Alpha (4.72 out of 5 Stars)


Check Mint Discs Alpha on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Alpha
Diameter 21.1 cm
Height 2.1 cm
Rim Depth 1.2 cm
Rim Width 2.0 cm
Max Weight 175.0 g
Speed 8.0
Glide 4.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 2.0
Used As Control Driver
Stability Level Understable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Advanced and Intermediate
Plastic Grade Premium
Price $16.99


The Mint Discs Alpha fairway driver is versatile, and throwers may use it in several circumstances. Designed to go straight and fade reliably, Alpha is a high-performance fairway driver. This disc is stable enough but not very overstable that novice disc golfers can’t throw it to battle the wind.

In every golfer’s bag, the Alpha is a necessary fairway wood. With a straight flight and consistent fade, the Alpha has the design of a Power Fairway that responds to your line and power. The Alpha is a steady disc favored by most players for its ability to take on headwinds. Also, it can carve through the woods.

All your hopes will be met and then some with the Alpha’s new color schemes and flatter domes. Thanks to Sublime Plastic’s stunning designs, this disc is a winner for both throwers and collectors.


  • Gives a great feel to the hands
  • Continue straight for a long flight before consistently fading at the end
  • Can handle additional power or torque without flipping over
  • Great for holes that either call for ground play or natural hyzer flight


  • Domey, which makes it a bit uncomfortable in the hand of others
  • Requires enough experience before using

2. Jackalope (4.50 out of 5 Stars)


Check Mint Discs Jackalope on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Jackalope
Diameter 21.2 cm
Height 1.5 cm
Rim Depth 1.1 cm
Rim Width 1.9 cm
Max Weight 175.0 g
Speed 8.0
Glide 5.0
Turn -2.0
Fade 1.0
Used As Control Driver
Stability Level Understable
Recommended For People With Skill Level For all skill levels
Plastic Grade Premium
Price $16.95


Mint Discs continues to release new molds, the most recent of which is the Jackalope. This fairway driver has a great feel, and while it does have some turns, it isn’t overly understable.

You can use it for hyzer flips, turnovers, and effortless distance on long shots when playing with a tailwind. It has a very pleasant feeling in hand, and both professionals and amateurs can use it with equal success.

It’s a simple thrower that practically every player of any skill level will find useful. The slightly understable flight characteristics make it the perfect line shaper in the woods, and it can cover significant distance when flying with a tailwind.

If you have a long arm, the Jackalope is an excellent choice for rollers because it maintains a clean straight line for a long period.


  • Great for navigating those tight fairways
  • Can throw flat with a dependable turn amidst of the flight
  • Can throw on a slight hyzer and will flip
  • Flies straight
  • Applicable for all levels of players


  • It will always fade out.

Best Mint Discs – Midrange

1. Mustang (5.00 out of 5 Stars)

Best Mint Discs Mustang

Check Mint Discs Mustang on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Mustang
Diameter 21.5 cm
Height 1.6 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.4 cm
Max Weight 177.0 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 5.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 2.0
Used As Midrange
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level For all skill levels
Plastic Grade Premium
Price $13.99


In the Mint lineup, the Mustang is a great feeling, speedy mid-range. It has a beadless rim with a smooth but aggressive design for precise distance management. In the mold, players of all ability levels can toss a disc.

Additionally, Mustang is a disc that holds any line you choose and flies straight when thrown flat. When it comes to midrange, you’ll find yourself reaching for the Mint Discs Mustang over and over again.

Eternal and Sublime plastic versions of these discs are both eye-catching and comfortable. Between these two plastics, you’ll be able to find the right balance. Pick up a stunning Mustang today so that you can once again imagine yourself galloping to the finish line.

Overstable Bobcat is complemented with this straight-flight midrange. Concave wings and rounded shoulders give it the classic mid-shape look. Pick a line, and then let the Mustang fly toward the hoop at his own pace!


  • Fits perfectly for a fan grip
  • Works great to the players with weaker arms
  • Holds up the line well
  • Power throwers may use this
  • Comfortable wing and nice grip


  •  Fade is late and light.

2. Bobcat (4.56 out of 5 Stars)

Best Mint Discs Bobcat

Check Mint Discs Bobcat on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Bobcat
Diameter 21.4 cm
Height 1.9 cm
Rim Depth 1.4 cm
Rim Width 1.4 cm
Max Weight 177.0 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 4.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 2.5
Used As Midrange
Stability Level Overstable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Beginner and Intermediate
Plastic Grade Premium and Mid Grade
Price $12.99


Mint Discs has just published their second CD, Bobcat, following the hugely successful Alpha. Bobcat is designed to fly straight and stable flyers, and it is a very flat mid-range.

You can choose from three different polymers for the beadless feel of the handle. Fans of Mint plastic will be delighted to have a new moderate option. If you’re looking for a disc that can take on various shot forms, this disc is ideal for you.

Furthermore, this disc and plastic have a great feel to them. After the Alpha, Mint gained a cult-like following; therefore, this disc is guaranteed to remain a regular in many people’s bags. Take it for a shot and see for yourself how it performs. Using the Bobcat in tandem with the Alpha is a wonderful way to get a similar flight path but at a lower altitude.


  • Flat top and beadless bottom
  • Short-range accurate approach disc for players with average arms
  • Overstable mid but not a utility mid
  • Nice soft fade at the end


  • Power players may overthrow this disc
  • Flex out of anything with least anhyzer than a roller

Best Mint Discs – Putters

1. Bullet (4.50 out of 5 Stars)

Best Mint Discs Bullet

Check Mint Discs Bullet on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Bullet
Diameter 21.2 cm
Height 1.8 cm
Rim Depth 1.5 cm
Rim Width 1.1 cm
Max Weight 176.0 g
Speed 2.0
Glide 3.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 1.0
Used As Putt and Approach
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level For all skill levels
Plastic Grade Premium and MidGrade
Price $13.99


There is no doubt that the Mint Discs molds are some of the best out there. In line with this, the Bullet is one of their best golf discs up to date. It’s a beadless putter with a low profile.

Holding the Bullet is a pleasure, and it flies straight and accurately. In terms of flatness, it looks that the first batch of them is very flat, and it fits snugly in hand. Bullets disc is currently available in three distinct types of plastic: Royal, Royal Soft, and now Eternal, all made of polyethylene.

Both the Royal plastics and the Eternal plastics have sticky baselines. They are a disc that will help you feel more confident in the circle and have a lot of promise off the tee. Royal plastic is the professional-grade plastic used by Mint.

The advantage of using this plastic over Sublime, Apex, or Eternal is that it has a greater grip in all situations, unlike the other three. The sticky texture is distinct in that it is both soft and strong. Royal plastic is also a good choice if you want your garment to “season” or wear quickly. Typically, when this sort of plastic wears in and loses its high-speed stability, it will fly straighter and more consistently.


  • Comes out of the hands easy
  • Hold any line well
  • Lands gently
  • Show straighter flight path
  • Holds all  your power without turning over


  • Fade a bit at the end of the flight
  • May overthrow by the powerful players

2. Profit (4.31 out of 5 Stars)

Best Mint Discs Profit

Check Mint Discs Profit on Infinite Discs

Dimensions of Mint Profit
Diameter 21.1 cm
Height 1.9 cm
Rim Depth 1.6 cm
Rim Width 1.1 cm
Max Weight 175.0 g
Speed 3.0
Glide 3.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 1.0
Used As Putt and Approach
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level For all skill levels
Plastic Grade Midgrade
Price $13.99


The Profit is the Mint’s third disc and first putt and approach disc. Also, the Profit is Mint Discs’ much-anticipated first-ever putter release. This great putt and approach disc has a flight path that is just over steady, and it will finish with a hint of predictable fade at the end.

Profit has a flat top and a beaded bottom, which provides additional stability. While they are reluctant to label it as the “next Alpha,” it is reasonable to state that this is the putter that comes close to being the best in the market. Throwers may use it for various shots, such as a slightly overstable putter or a driving disc that is simple to the range.  Make a few money putts with the Profit, and you’ll be laughing at your cash account.

Moreover, Profit’s plastic provides a solid basis, with a touch of softness, and is fairly rigid. If you look at the bead, you’ll notice that it’s rounded at the shoulders, but it then takes a roughly 45-degree slant to the bead (a medium-sized bead). If you had to pick a side, you’d say it’s thin compared to the majority of other putters on the market.


  • Feels great in the hand
  • Nice off of the tee box
  • Holds great lines
  • Very easy to throw
  • An excellent disc for the beginners


  • Adjustment for powerful throwers is needed.

Choose The Best Mint Disc For You

When determining which disc is the greatest fit for your requirements, you must consider several different aspects. Please keep in mind that the disc that performs the best is the disc that meets your requirements.

It’s important to remember that the finest Mint Discs list contains a selection of discs of varying sizes and shapes. So, please take advantage of your option to select from this guide.  Also, optimize your golf disc playing experience as much as possible!

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Is Disc Golf Hard?

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Disc golf has become an increasingly popular sport, with more and more people trying it out. But, for those unfamiliar with it, disc golf is often viewed as a challenging sport. That is why many beginners are wondering if disc golf is hard to play.

The difficulty may depend on various factors like your skill levels, strategies, networks, and even your choice of discs. This blog post will discuss why you think disc golf is hard to play and how to improve. Read on to hone your skills!

Is Disc Golf Hard To Play?

Disc golf - Holding GrazThe short answer to this is YES! Disc golf can be a challenging sport to play. If you’re just starting as a disc golfer or playing recreationally, the game will probably not seem very difficult. 

However, if you try to improve your score and compete against other players, the difficulty level increases significantly. The same is true if you compete at the tournament level; disc golf requires great skill, concentration, and strategy to win.

Reasons You Might Find It Hard To Play

Disc golf is a fun game, but it can also be a bit challenging. Certain things can make the game difficult, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced disc golfer. Here are several reasons why playing disc golf can be difficult.

1. You Need To Throw The Disc Golf Accurately

One of the key elements of successful disc golf playing is accurate throwing. Accurate throw requires precision, skill, and practice. Learning to throw accurately takes time; even experienced players sometimes have trouble with their aim or distance. 

2. The Number Of Throw Is Limited

Each player is often limited to a certain number of throws. If you don’t get it right on the first try, you don’t have unlimited chances to make up for it with additional throws. This can be frustrating if you keep missing the target! 

3. Uneven Layout Or Terrain

The layout or terrain of a course can also make disc golf more challenging. If the ground isn’t level, it can be difficult to get your disc where it needs to go without hitting something. Learning how to maneuver around these challenges is part of what makes disc golf so fun – but it certainly adds an extra layer of difficulty!

4. Obstacles In Your Path

Another factor that makes playing disc golf hard is dealing with obstacles. Trees and other hazards can block your shots, making it tough for even experienced players. Taking time before each throw to plan out the best route for success will help minimize these issues and improve your overall performance simultaneously.

5. You Need To Focus

Disc golf requires concentration if you want to succeed at the game. Even small distractions like talking with friends or checking your phone between shots can cause errors in judgment or inaccurate throws. The interrupted focus could end up hurting not just your score but also the scores of other players on the course.

Tips To Become A Pro In Disc Golf

Disc golf is a great way to stay active and have fun with friends. It’s also a mental game, requiring you to strategize, practice, and focus on being successful. So, here are 8 tips for becoming a pro in disc golf.

1. Manage How You Throw Your Disc Golf

The key to success in disc golf is managing how you throw your disc. This means you must learn proper techniques like gripping the disc correctly and maintaining good posture while throwing. If you can manage your throws consistently, hitting the target each time will be easier. 

Get to know the most common types of throw in disc golf:

  • Forehand
  • Backhand
  • Hammer
  • Thumber

2. Your Throw Approach Matters

While mastering the basics of how to throw a disc accurately is important, it’s also important to remember that your approach matters too. Pay attention to the terrain where you’re throwing and choose an approach that won’t bring any obstacles into play. 

3. Focus On Disc Curve

When throwing a disc in disc golf, it’s important to pay attention to the curve of the disc’s flight path as it moves through the air. This will help you understand what type of shot would be best for certain situations so that you can adjust accordingly for more accurate throws every time. Once mastered, this skill will greatly improve your chances of hitting targets from varying distances.

4. Technique Over Power

Another tip for becoming a pro at disc golf is to focus on technique over power when throwing your discs. Many beginners make the mistake of using too much force when throwing their discs. This leads them off-target or causes them to miss altogether due to a lack of accuracy or control over their throws. So, focus on form before adding power, and see great results.

5. Challenge Yourself With Competitive Friends

Playing with competitive friends is another way to hone your skills in disc golf, as they will challenge you with different types of shots. Play games like horse or closest-to-the-pin to practice different shots from various distances. Those practices will also familiarize you with different strategies for hitting targets accurately every time!

6. Choose A Good Quality Disc

You must choose good quality discs when playing disc golf as they are designed specifically for accuracy and control over distance shots. Investing in quality discs can go a long way toward improving your game! 

Here are some of the recommended discs you can add to your bag:

7. Practice Makes Perfect

As with any sport or activity, practice makes perfect for mastering disc golf skills! Spend some time each day working on different techniques such as grip, stance, aim, or release timing, so these eventually become second nature. This way, you will ensure more consistent throws each time! 

8. Have Fun!

Last but not least – have fun! Enjoying yourself while playing makes all the difference. Having fun should always be kept front of mind when participating in any sport, including disc golf!


Disc golf may appear intimidating initially, but you should not back out if you want to learn your way into this game. Becoming a pro at disc golf may take some practice, but following these tips will help get you there faster. Indeed, dedication and perseverance can make anyone an expert in this exciting sport.

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When To Use A Putter In Disc Golf?

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To a beginner player, the term “putter” signifies that you may only use a disc for finishing a hole from close range. A putter is the tool of choice for that job. 

Rules for putting in disc golf are generally straightforward. However, they are sometimes misinterpreted and often contested. You need to know how to apply the rules since certain unusual scenarios aren’t covered by the rules. Putting is important in disc golf. And it’s easy to rack up penalty strokes if you don’t know the rules. Continue reading to know when to use a putter.

The Use Of Putter In Disc Golf

Choosing the perfect putter (details inside) : r/discgolf

Players use putters—slow-flying, deep-rimmed discs that are precise from close range and may also be used for long shots, approaches, and to complete holes from various distances. Compared to other discs, putters feature deeper and more rounded rims. These are the slowest discs because of their lack of aerodynamics. Yet, they become excellent at adhering to the chains of a basket.

You can throw a putter when gentle sitting or shaping a technical line is required. A putter is an excellent option whether you have to stay soft on the green. It’s also useful when you need to throw a gradual turnover,  thread a tunnel and if you toss downhill or want to throw clean. 

The only times you shouldn’t throw a putter are when there’s a headwind when you’re going uphill, or if you have a lot of fades. For individuals who have previously thrown a standard frisbee, putters are an excellent choice because of their versatility. You may use them to approach the basket or complete a hole.

Most putters will help perfect your technique since they respond accurately to your stroke’s release. Putters with a neutral flight path come the closest to replicating the frisbee’s flight path on the golf course.

Know Which Disc Golf Putter Is Right For You

Sure, you’ve previously read about when to use a putter in disc golf. To improve your game, you must also know what features to look for in a disc golf putter. Keep reading to find out what factors are most important and how to make your best choice.

Always Keep Your Comfort And Feel In Mind

The first thing to consider is the experience of the disc in your palm. It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of consistency while putting. As a result, the “correct” disc is the one with which you are most comfortable.

Know The Rim Depth

The depth of the rim is a further consideration when choosing a putter. Generally, the rim depth varies greatly between different discs. Your hand and finger length will determine which option is best for you. Discs with deeper ridges are popular among those with larger hands but may not be as appealing to those with normal or smaller-sized palms.

Think About The Kind Of Plastic You’ll Be Using

The “feel” of the disc is largely affected by the material used in the putter. Most golfers choose standard plastic for their putting putters and high-end material for their sand wedges. This is because standard plastic provides a far better grip, which is crucial on the green.

Throwing putters are thrown at greater speeds and risk colliding with objects. Therefore quality plastic is the way to go. The putters made from high-quality plastic will last longer. So, choose the material that makes you feel the most at ease in the setting you want to use it.

The Importance Of The Putter

Maybe the most underestimated of all disc golf discs is the putter. It’s the workhorse of every disc golfer’s bag, yet it might be the one they neglect to use the most. The putter’s usefulness extends well beyond the last stroke of the round. A putter’s value is detailed below.

Having Your Score Reduced

If you want to know the quickest and simplest method to lower your score in disc golf, ask any professional player. This includes both touring pros and local pros. Almost everyone will tell you the same thing that it is putting. 

Indeed, everyone loves to throw their fast discs off the tee and go as near to the basket as possible. But if you can’t sink the putt, it doesn’t matter how skillfully you drive the disc. Putting practice and familiarity with your putter is as crucial as learning to manage your drives. Nevertheless, putters may help your game in many ways.

Keep Practicing

Everyone understands that consistency is the key to mastery. Improving one’s putting skills is the quickest method to lower one’s score on the course. Practicing these discs has advantages beyond improving one’s putting skills. Also, practicing your form and gaining confidence in the course is a great idea. Playing complete rounds may improve your skills with the discs in these conditions.

The Form Check

Every disc golfer eventually reaches a point in their career when their natural talents and skills limit their skill level and range. The greatest strategy to continue to develop distance and control is to assess your form rather than purchasing the fast PDGA-approved discs on the marketplace.

Most putters have a neutral flight profile. As a result, putters have the potential to be excellent form check discs. Usually, a form check disc is straight-flying with good glide. A form check disc’s flight path ought to be steady and unwinding. 

Your form may be at blame if the disc keeps rising out of your palm, fades out too quickly, or flips over. This might be due to a lack of lower-body involvement, an upward-pointing disc, or an incorrect reach-back and draw-through.

Gain Self-Assurance

You should perfect your swing to feel more comfortable out on the course. Also, you should consider one of your putting skills and practice your upshots and approaches. Don’t waste your time practicing for the “perfect drive” when you can instead concentrate on throwing the greatest drive.

The main distinction is that you do not need to worry about getting the disc near the basket as much if you’re sure of your approaches and putting. Having a selection of putters is another approach to boosting self-assurance. Putting drills and form checks are simplified when many putters are available. 

Learn More About Disc Golf Putters

Remember that a disc is not a putter just because it is called one. These discs are versatile and may be used for approaches and any other kind of shot possible. Its reliable flight and manageability allow them to serve several purposes. A good putting putter is essential. However, investing in a few throwing putters may greatly enhance your game if you lack them.

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Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs 2023

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The Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs 2023

There is a shortlist of different disc types for disc golf. You have your standard drivers, which are great for long, swooping flights. On the other hand, putters are your best pick for medium speeds and precision landings. But what if you want both qualities of drivers and putters? That’s where the best disc golf midrange discs come in. Midrange discs are adaptable and useful in various circumstances, bridging the gap between putter and driver. You can use them for various purposes, including tunnel shots, short drives, and flex shots. Finding the right midrange disc is very tricky. To help you pick, Disc Golf Action has put together a list of the best disc golf midrange discs for 2023. Read on!

Below is a table summarizing the best disc golf midrange discs provided in this guide.

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs
Name Speed Glide Turn Fade Stability
Innova Gator3 5.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 Very Overstable
DGA Quake 5.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 Very Overstable
Innova Mako3 5.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 Stable
Westside Warship 5.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 Stable
Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse 5.0 6.0 -1.0 0.0 Understable
Westside Tursas 5.0 5.0 -2.0 1.0 Understable
Axiom Discs Paradox 5.0 4.0 -4.0 0.0 Stable
Discraft Meteor 5.0 5.0 -3.0 1.0 Understable
MVP Matrix 5.0 4.0 -1.0 2.0 Overstable
Dynamic Discs Justice 5.0 1.0 0.5 4.0 Very Overstable

1. Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs – Innova Gator3 (5 out of 5 Stars)

Innova Gator3

Check Innova Gator3 on Infinite Discs
Check Innova Gator3 on Amazon

Dimensions of Innova Gator3
Diameter 21.2 cm
Height 1.8 cm
Rim Depth 1.4 cm
Rim Width 1.5 cm
Max Weight 176.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 2.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 3.0
Stability Level Very Overstable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Advanced, Everyone
Plastic Grade Durable
Price $21.99 – $24.99


The Gator3 by Innova is characterized by a low profile and a flat top. Innova’s new standard for an overstable midrange is this disc. The Gator3 doesn’t even notice the wind on its journey to the hoop. You’ll feel that the plastic used to create this awesome disc is highly grippy and sturdy.

This disc will most likely be difficult for beginners to grasp, but it’ll fade away quickly. Beginners will find it more bearable if they spend enough time throwing it and perfecting their form.


  • Great for all wind conditions
  • The plastic is tough and grippy


  • Not beginner-friendly

2. Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs – DGA Quake (4.91 out of 5 Stars)

DGA Quake

Check DGA Quake on Infinite Discs
Check DGA Quake on Amazon

Dimensions of DGA Quake
Diameter 21.6 cm
Height 1.7 cm
Rim Depth 1.2 cm
Rim Width 1.5 cm
Max Weight 177.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 3.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 3.0
Stability Level Very Overstable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Advanced, Intermediate
Plastic Grade Basic, Midgrade, Premium
Price $17 to $19


DGA’s Quake is a solid overstable midrange disc that performs flawlessly in all wind conditions. The disc maintains a consistent flight path when thrown both backhand and forehand. A comfortable rim and a somewhat flat top provide a clean and smooth release for players of all skill levels. The Quake will keep your midrange game consistent and straightforward.

On the other hand, it’s not for inexperienced players. Veteran players will benefit immensely from using this disc during contests.


  • Best for any wind conditions
  • Perfect rim height for small hands
  • Great for steady backhand and forehand throws


  • Not suitable for beginners

3. Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs – Innova Mako3 (4.72 out of 5 Stars)

Innova Mako3

Check Innova Mako3 on Infinite Discs
Check Innova Mako3 on Amazon

Dimensions of Innova Mako3
Diameter 21.7 cm
Height 2.1 cm
Rim Depth 1.4 cm
Rim Width 1.2 cm
Max Weight 182.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 4.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 0.0
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Everyone
Plastic Grade Durable, Midgrade, Premium
Price $14.99 – $15.99


The Innova Mako3 is the latest edition and low-profile version of the incredible and straight-flying Innova Mako. While it has putter flight characteristics, it also has the glide and speed of a midrange disc. If you want a disc with a straight flight and very little fade, the Mako3 could be it.

It is a great disc for beginners since it has one of the straightest flights in the midrange game. You’ll impress anyone on the course as it will make you appear like an expert when you throw it. Its glide, enhanced distance, easy-grip, clean, and consistent release will appeal to you.

Also, the disc is simple to control. Because it is highly responsive, this can be your go-to disc if you’re on a course that requires technical shots.


  • Straight flights
  • Durable plastic


  • The deep feel is not for everybody

4. Westside Warship (4.57 out of 5 Stars)

Westside Warship

Check Westside Warship on Infinite Discs
Check Westside Warship on Amazon

Dimensions of Westside Warship
Diameter 21.7 cm
Height 2.1 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.4 cm
Max Weight 180.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 6.0
Turn 0.0
Fade 1.0
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Everyone
Plastic Grade Air Bubbles, Basic, Durable, Midgrade, Premium
Price $17.99


The Warship is a flexible midrange disc that’s straight-flying and has a very long range. It also features a little high-speed turn followed by a small, low-speed fade when thrown with power. Westside uses high-tech material that is extremely robust and with superb performance when creating the Warshop disc. The disc retains its flight characteristics and dependability for an extended period.

Westside’s Warship is very user-friendly and can be used by any disc golfer. It’s very controlled at faster arm speeds. But lower arm speeds will maintain a straight line, and it’s not suitable for newbies with lower arm power. It always finishes to the left for right-handed players and the right for left-handed players.


  • Suitable for any player level
  • Long-range
  • Made from high-quality materials


  • A bit overstable than stable
  • The rim feels deep and crooked

5. Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse (4.73 out of 5 Stars)

Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse

Check Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse on Infinite Discs
Check Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse on Amazon

Dimensions of Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse
Diameter 21.9 cm
Height 2.1 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.3 cm
Max Weight 181.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 6.0
Turn -1.0
Fade 0.0
Stability Level Understable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Everyone
Plastic Grade Basic, Durable, Premium
Price $8.99 – $9.99


The Latitude 64 Retro Burst Fuse is the most versatile midrange disc that the company has ever developed. It has a stable flight path up to 300 ft. The disc will also hold lengthy anhyzer lines with minimal fade at the end. On the other hand, the plastic used is not very durable.

Retro Burst Fuse can withstand power from veteran players while cutting precise lines for every type of player. One drawback is that it can be uneven at times. It can be delicate on the release angle if your form is incorrect.


  • Great with veteran and new players


  • Very understable
  • Touchy on the release angle if your form is off
  • Subpar materials used

6. Westside Tursas (4.39 out of 5 Stars)

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs Westside Tursas

Check Westside Tursas on Infinite Discs
Check Westside Tursas on Amazon

Dimensions of Westside Tursas
Diameter 21.7 cm
Height 1.7 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.4 cm
Max Weight 180.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 5.0
Turn -2.0
Fade 1.0
Stability Level Understable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Beginner, Everyone
Plastic Grade Air Bubbles, Basic, Durable, Midgrade, Premium
Price $9.99 – $16.99


The Tursas is an understable midrange disc released in March 2013 by Westside. Like any other midrange disc of the company, it is great for turnover throws and highly suitable for beginners. The Tursas come in premium Opto Line and Tournament plastics.

With its versatility, the Tursas is an excellent addition to any disc golf bag! The shallower grip is great for any skill level or age, and it provides a nice feel.

On the other hand, the Tursas flips like crazy in any form of headwind. But for a calm or tailwind, you can get it to travel virtually like a straight fairway driver. Also, this disc is unlikely to be your main midrange disc unless you play in wooded courses requiring sophisticated shots.


  • High turnover throws
  • Best with beginners
  • High-quality materials


  • Too understable
  • Not good with a headwind

7. Axiom Discs Paradox (4.58 out of 5 Stars)

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs Axiom Discs Paradox

Check Axiom Discs Paradox on Infinite Discs
Check Axiom Discs Paradox on Amazon

Dimensions of Axiom Discs Paradox
Diameter 21.5 cm
Height 1.8 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.3 cm
Max Weight 180.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 4.0
Turn -4.0
Fade 0.0
Stability Level Stable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Beginner
Plastic Grade Double Mold
Price $16.95 – $19.99


The Paradox is a stable disc that really tries to turn. Some say it’s probably the most understable midranges on the market. Most players who use it noted its ability to fly on unusual lines. Axiom used premium materials for a luxurious look and feel. It has the same remarkable durability as Proton but has more bright opaque colors.

This is a great disc for advanced players for utility shots like flip-ups, rollers, and massive anhyzers. It is an excellent first disc for beginners, as it flies straight hyzer-flips or a teaching disc. With this disc, you can flip to flat and still have enough turn-on power to reach a good distance.

It’s largely tailored to slower-armed players and won’t be much use to people who throw hard. However, it is a rather understable midrange that will suit both novices and slower-armed players.


  • High-quality materials
  • Great for utility shots


  • Not suitable for hard throwers
  • More on the understandable side

8. Discraft Meteor (4.76 out of 5 Stars)

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discraft Meteor

Check Discraft Meteor on Infinite Discs
Check Discraft Meteor on Amazon

Dimensions of Discraft Meteor
Diameter 21.5 cm
Height 2.0 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.3 cm
Max Weight 177.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 5.0
Turn -3.0
Fade 1.0
Stability Level Understable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Beginner, Everyone
Plastic Grade Durable, Midgrade, Premium
Price $18.99 – $24.99


As one of Discraft’s understable midrange discs, the Meteor is ideal for controlled turnover throws. If you’re right-handed, throw backhand, and require a disc that will fly to the right, it’s the disc for you. The Meteor turns and glides, giving beginners more control and range. It is available in high ESP and Z plastics.

The Discraft Meteor is one of the best golf disc plastics available, with excellent durability. It’s available in weights ranging from 167 to 178 grams. Lightweight discs will roll over faster. However, the disc has no bead, and the ESP is quite smooth. As a result, most players find themselves shifting it on their hands before throwing to get a confident grip.


  • Best for right-handed players
  • Highly durable


  • More fade
  • No bead, less grip

9. MVP Matrix (4.58 out of 5 Stars)

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs MVP Matrix

Check MVP Matrix on Infinite Discs
Check MVP Matrix on Amazon

Dimensions of MVP Matrix
Diameter 21.5 cm
Height 1.6 cm
Rim Depth 1.4 cm
Rim Width 1.4 cm
Max Weight 180.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 4.0
Turn -1.0
Fade 2.0
Stability Level Overstable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Everyone
Plastic Grade Double Mold, Midgrade
Price $15.95 – 19.99


The Matrix is a moderately overstable GYRO™ midrange created in response to overwhelming demand from MVP disc fans. It’s a quick and smooth large-diameter disc with responsive overstable flight and a wide power range. Additionally, it was the MVP Circuit’s mid-range disc for 2016.

It is built to withstand turnover at all power levels and conditions. MVP’s Matrix should have a straight throw followed by a consistent fade for most throwers. While this isn’t a “meathook” style overstable midrange, its utility should not be overlooked.

With this midrange style, release angles make all the difference. It delivers good flights on releases ranging from anhyzer to flat and hyzer. The Matrix is a precision steady midrange with long straight flights that fade. It is built to withstand turnover at all power levels in all scenarios, and its stability is like a longer Axiom Envy.

MVP’s most premium material for an amazing look and feel is NEUTRON PLASTIC. Proton’s outstanding durability is combined with a wider range of vivid, opaque hues.


  • Straight fade
  • Comfortable grip


  • Don’t travel too far
  • Turns over easily

10. Dynamic Discs Justice (4.71 out of 5 Stars)

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs Dynamic Discs Justice

Check Dynamic Discs Justice on Infinite Discs
Check Dynamic Discs Justice on Amazon

Dimensions of Dynamic Discs Justice
Diameter 21.3 cm
Height 1.7 cm
Rim Depth 1.3 cm
Rim Width 1.5 cm
Max Weight 176.00 g
Speed 5.0
Glide 1.0
Turn 0.5
Fade 4.0
Stability Level Very Overstable
Recommended For People With Skill Level Advanced
Plastic Grade Basic, Durable, Midgrade, Premium
Price $16.99


Strong winds will make even the most seasoned player appear inexperienced. But Dynamic Discs thought of an ingenious idea of creating Justice. You’ll never need to seek anything else for a short-distance, over-stable response again. The Justice can have a decent shot into a headwind only to have your disc flip over.

While it has a decent-sized rim for a midrange, which leads to a nice amount of speed, it lacks glide. The lack of glide is a plus because you want to control this disc. It’s not going to travel down the fairway. It simply cannot with its stability at both high and low speeds.


  • Great for strong winds
  • Highly controllable


  • Less glide


Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to disc golf, having the best midrange disc cannot be overstated. Midrange shots are required to throw shots closer to the hoop. And, because there are so many good midrange discs out there, this list will make it much easier for you.

Whatever midrange you choose, ensure it provides you with control, accuracy, and correct distance. Overall, you must practice daily and improve your midrange throw. It will allow you to figure out what works best for you and enjoy the game more.

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How Long Do Disc Golf Discs Last?

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According to the year-end report by the Professional Disc Golf Association, active disc golf players continue to rise. Statistical data don’t lie, and it has been evident that more and more people are becoming interested in playing, learning, and actively participating in disc golf.

For beginners of this sport, many of you must have wondered how long your disc golf discs take to wear out. While several factors affect its changes, there are sure ways to spot the signs when you need to replace them. This article will explain the details. Read on to learn all of these!

How Long Does It Take For A Disc Golf Disc To Wear Out?

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The short answer is 2 to 4 years. But it all depends on various factors affecting its performance, such as:

Materials Used In Your Disc

The materials that disc golf discs are made from vary in durability and quality. DX (Discraft) and Pro-D plastic (Innova) are the two most common plastics used. Both offer different levels of durability, which will affect how long they last. 

Generally speaking, DX plastic is considered less durable than Pro-D plastic and will wear out faster. Other plastics, such as Champion and Star, can last even longer than Pro-D plastic since they are designed with more advanced technology.

Other recommended disc golf discs include:

Type Of Courses You Play On

The type of courses you play on can also affect how long your disc golf discs last. If you primarily play on the type of courses with increased contact with trees, rocks, or other obstacles, then your disc golf discs will not last long. Open courses with wide fairways that don’t have many obstacles can help improve the longevity of your discs since there is less contact with hard surfaces.

Number Of Times You Used Your Disc

The number of times you use your disc can also affect its lifespan. If you only use a particular disc a few times a month, it should last much longer than if you used it every day or multiple times a week. 

The frequency is important because the more often a disc is used, the more wear and tear it will experience over time. This can lead to deterioration in performance and, ultimately, replacement sooner than expected.

Signs It’s Time To Let Go Of Your Disc Golf Discs

Knowing when to part ways with your discs is important whether you’re relatively new to disc golf or a veteran. You may have had an emotional attachment or sentimental value to a certain disc, but it might be time to let go if it shows signs of wear and tear. 

Warping Discs

If you notice that your disc is starting to warp and bend, this is one of the clearest indicators that it’s time for a new one. Warping occurs when discs are exposed to extreme temperatures for too long, such as leaving them in your car during summer or outside on cold winter days. 

This type of wear and tear can make your disc fly unpredictably, and there is no way to fix the warping once it has occurred.

Missing Chunks From The Rim

It is normal for discs to start showing signs of wear on their rims over time. But if you start seeing chunks missing from the rim due to damage, this could affect how your disc flies through the air, which means it should be replaced.

Uncontrollable Flight Pattern

Disc golfers rely on their discs flying predictably to reach their target spots on each hole accurately. If you constantly battle an uncontrollable flight pattern where your disc seems like it’s all over the place, this could be caused by excessive wear and tear. You may want to look into replacing them with some fresh ones.

Discs Becoming Flippy

As mentioned earlier about warping discs, sometimes this can cause them to become “flippy.” This means they will flip over during flight more often than usual, making them hard to control and predict where they are going. If you have trouble controlling your throws due to flippy discs, it might be time for some new ones!

The Plastic Is Splitting

Another sign that it’s time for a new disc is when you notice cracks forming in the plastic, along with splitting lines running through the center of the disc itself. This damage affects how well your disc flies through the air, so if you start seeing these types of issues, it’s best practice to replace them sooner rather than later!

Discs Are Now Befitting To Be A Memorabilia

After years of being your loyal companion in this sport, there will come a time when you feel like your disc golf discs no longer perform best, just like before. 

It could be an obvious sign for you to let go if this happens. Some tools may possess deeper meanings and sentimental value because they’ve been there since you started, but it does not mean you will throw them away. Instead, you can find a way to display them in your home or office.

Know When To Replace Your Disc Golf Discs

Knowing when it’s time to let go of worn-out discs can help ensure that you always have reliable equipment available while playing disc golf. At the same time, it’s never easy parting ways with your trusty companions after several years or even decades together. You must pay attention to our benefit and others who join you at courses now and then! 

Regular maintenance check-ups will ensure that all players have access to safety equipment, whether brand new or used. This way, everyone can enjoy their experience playing this beautiful sport no matter their skill level!

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Disc Golf Disc Weight

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Disc Golf Disc Weight & How It Affects Flight & Stability

It isn’t easy to figure out how much weight to put on a disc during disc golf. But getting it right may improve your game. It takes time and experimentation to feel the differences in disc weights. Disc golf discs are commonly measured in grams, and their weight is an important factor that alters their flight. You may improve your game by learning how various discs respond to different situations. The disc golf disc weight is one such trait. And other types of weights come with their advantages and disadvantages. If you want to throw farther, you must understand if heavy or lightweight discs have a greater range. Below are the average weights of disc golf discs and how it affects flight and stability.

Weight Of Disc Golf Discs

Disc Golf Disc Weight

The maximum allowable weight for a disc in disc golf is 200 grams. Every disc type also has a typical weight closer to the permissible weight than the other weights. The typical weight for midranges, drivers, and putters is 165-175 grams. Also, the plastic used by most disc golf manufacturers is light and forgiving, making it ideal for beginners.

Disc Golf Discs For Beginners

Putter head weights of 170 grams, midrange heads of 160 grams, and driver heads of 165 grams are optimal for beginners. Lighter discs don’t need as much arm speed to throw, making them more manageable for novice disc golfers and allowing them to gain greater throwing distance. 

This is true almost always, except when you need to throw straight through into the wind, where a heavier disc will be more beneficial.

Putter Disc

Putting is often done from near the hole, which is why most disc golfers choose a heavier putter. Nowadays, the maximum weight for a putter is 175 grams, and many players choose this weight. You may toss a disc within 170-172 gram level farther. However, it is more susceptible to the effects of wind. Therefore, more experienced players may choose to start there.

Driver Disc

Drivers typically weigh an average of 165 grams, so they may be thrown correctly in various track conditions. Overly lightweight discs (weighing less than 165 grams) may struggle in both head and tailwinds, preventing them from traveling the maximum distance you want.

Midrange Disc

The sweet spot for mid-range discs is anywhere between 151 and 169 grams. And more experienced ones typically throw a heavier mid, weighing in at about 180 grams. Various metal flake discs may be used as mid-ranges because of their increased stability and weight.

What Role Does Weight Play In Flight & Stability?

The laws of physics dictate that a disc with the maximum allowable weight will go farther. Because it will have an easier time slicing through the air, theoretically, the discs should be able to travel further if they maintain a high rate of spin and velocity.

Disc Flight

The flight path is drastically altered when considering discs of varying weights. Weightier discs, including most distance drivers, are much more secure and have superior wind performance. In windy conditions, lightweight disc golf discs seem more likely to flip over and often go less distance.

A heavier disc makes it easier for the chains to capture and maintain the ball in the disc golf basket. You want the putter to be readily catchable within chains despite the plastic type. Therefore this is a crucial consideration when deciding on a putter weight.

The rate at which the disc travels through the air is crucial for long-distance throws. Generally, the disc’s rotational velocity contributes to rapid movement.

Disc Stability

The word “stability” comes up a lot when talking about discs. Yes, the situation may seem simple at first glance, but there is quite a bit more going on here than catches the eye. Understable discs fade right along their flight after being thrown right-handed, backward, with a flat release. Stable discs go forward when thrown in the same direction, whereas overstable ones fade toward the left.

To what end do these occurrences serve? There is a certain quantity of air beneath and above a disc since it swings and spins. The air presses down upon that disc’s nose whenever there is more air beyond a disc than below. If the force is downward, the nose of the disc will be pushed upward. 

This would be significant because a force applied to the nose of a disc causes the side 90 degrees behind the front of the disc to move. It is known as “gyroscopic precession.” This implies that the power applied to the front of a disc will be felt more strongly along its right edge once the disc is rotating clockwise. 

As in a right-handed backhand stroke, it spins counter-clockwise, like a right-handed forehand, and the disc’s left edge will change.

Why Does The Weight Of A Disc Golf Disc Matter?

This is significant because each disc has a recommended throwing speed that will produce a desired flight pattern. As a result, players still honing their skills are typically advised to start with discs that are lower in weight. Players can better propel lightweight discs to the top speeds at which they were designed.

Several players, like putters and mid-ranges, are heavier, so they have more power on upshots. One or two discs of somewhat small weights in your bag could provide you with much more glide and distance. Nevertheless, if you prefer to toss your slower discs with maximum strength.

It’s difficult to offer hard and fast guidelines extending to all lighter or heavier discs. Generally, it is due to the wide variety of disc forms that may be formed, each of which affects the disc’s aerodynamic qualities differently. One point, however, cannot be disputed: faster throws are possible with lighter discs.

Level Up Your Disc Golf Game

Finding the sweet spot of disc golf disc weights you like may take some experimentation. Everyone has their personal preferences. Each individual has a different idea of what constitutes a pleasant mold grip. Discover what fits your hand and your swing the best by experimenting with various choices and configurations.

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