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Millennium Polaris LS

Orange Polaris LS No ratings yet.

The Polaris is one of the best slightly understable, straight flying drivers on the market. This disc is a predictable, straight flying, and a fast flying driver that gives great distance. This disc is a great choice for line drives in low ceiling areas. The Polaris is easy to throw for any and all skill levels and comes in a variety of Millennium and Sirius plastics. This is a great distance driver for beginners.

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Millennium Polaris LS

Polaris LS Quick Stats

  • Disc Width: 21.1cm (97.41% of average)
  • Disc Height: 1.9cm (94.67% of average)
  • Interior Rim Height: 1.1cm (93.46% of average)
  • Rim Width: 1.6cm (109.37% of average)
  • Available Weights (Sirius, Standard): 150g; 165-169g
  • Available Weights (Quantum): 165-175g
  • Available Weights (Standard DYED): 165-169g

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