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6 Midrange Tips To Help Improve Your Disc Golf Game

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disc golf midrange tips

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1. Use Them Off The Tee

If you aren’t already using your midrange discs for driving, you really should be. A lot of players have it in their head that they must use a driver off the tee but if you can get the distance with a slower speed disc, you should at least consider it.

Remember what I said early, these discs are the perfect combination of speed and precision? That means they are perfect for the tee box. Using these discs for distance shots means your placement of the throw will be more accurate than if you were using a fairway driver or distance driver.

Two situations mid-range discs are ideal for are shorter holes and holes that have a lot of trouble. Using a disc that can fly the distance and do it more accurately is a no-brainer.  The reason I recommend midranges for holes that have a lot of out bounds or hazards if for their accuracy. Because even if you are losing some distance, you’ll gain those strokes back by not going out of hands or skipping into a hazard.

So the next time you are considering which disc to use for your drive, consider your mid-range discs.

2. Use Them In The Woods

If you play a lot of wooded courses you may already know the power of these discs for dodging trees. When throwing a course or a hole that has a lot of trees, you’ll need to be more conscious of your discs flight path because there are more obstacles your disc can hit on it’s a way to the basket.

Midrange discs are perfect for the woods because of the extra control they give you. In the woods, you are going to want to slow down and focus on a deliberate, controlled throw. Midrange discs allow you to throw slow controlled shots but still get the distance you want to finish the hole.

Another great thing you can use for a midrange disc for in the woods is to hit gaps and throw straight lines. Depending on your arm speed, grabbing an understand midrange and throwing it softly or selecting a stable midrange and throwing it hard will give you the straight shot you need.

The next time you find yourself on a hole with a lot of trees you are going to want to reach for a midrange.

3. Use Them For Upshots

Another great use for your midrange discs is throwing upshots. When I’ve thrown my drive and have landed within approaching range of the basket, the first disc I’m considering is a midrange disc, especially if I have some distance to cover.

Midrange discs are great at this range because of how easy they are to control and how accurate they can be. If you have thrown a great drive on a par 4 hole and gotten some serious distance, it doesn’t matter much if your next shot doesn’t land near or in the basket.

No one wants to see their upshot come up way short or blow past the basket. We’d all rather have an easy, close putt when compare to a long tester putt. Using an accurate midrange will ensure you are closer to the basket more often.

While putters are super accurate for upshots, you should still consider reaching for a trusty midrange disc. You won’t have to put as much heat on the disc from longer distances and if you are like me, I tend to be less accurate when I’m trying to ensure the disc flies far enough.

Pull out a midrange on your next upshot. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed if you do.    

4. Great For Beginners

I think everyone’s first disc should be a midrange. A lot of players may have a problem with that. They might think a putter is a better disc for a newer player.

But hear me out, a good midrange disc can be the perfect disc for most situations. We’ve already covered how great they can be off the tee and for upshots. They work well in the fairway and they are super controllable. All the things a beginner needs.

When using a midrange for distance shots you are going to need to focus on your form and really concentrate. Starting out, you want to get a great understable midrange disc and focus on throwing it flat. Here are some great choices for understable midrange discs.

As you improve, you can get good stable midrange discs or if you are a real power player, an overstable midrange will be perfect for your bag.  But don’t toss those understable ones out. They will still be useful for turnover shots and hyzer flips.

If you are a beginner to disc golf or know a new player, get them a midrange disc.

5. You Can Flick Them

That’s right, folks, midrange discs aren’t just for your backhand. They work great for your sidearm too. A lot of people think you can just throw drivers when attempting a forehand throw but if you aren’t using your more accurate midrange discs you might be gaining extra strokes.

If you want some recommendations on the best midrange discs to flick check out this article here. In short, you are looking for two things in your midrange discs to make them easier to throw forehand. One is a lower profile. This will allow you to get a better grip and assist with having a good clear release.

Another thing you’ll want in your midrange discs is an overstable flight. When throwing a disc with the forehand technique, you usually put less spin on the disc than when throwing backhand. To counteract this lack of spin, you’ll want to reach for an beefy midrange disc.

The next time you need to flick a disc make it a midrange. You’ll get a more consistent and accurate flight which leads to a  lower score.

6. Dedicate Practice To Them

The last tip I have for you is practice. Like all other aspects of your disc golf game, you are going to need to dedicate time and practice to improve.

Along with practicing your driving and putting, it’s a good idea to include practice sessions dedicated to throwing your midrange discs. You’ll want to grab all the midrange disc you own, take them to a field and throw them over and over.

To keep it fresh and challenging, I’d recommend you work on both shot shape and placement. You’ll also want to throw each disc on a hyzer, flat and anhyzer using both the backhand forehand technique.

This will allow you to get to know these discs and you’ll be that much more comfortable using them the next time you need them.

For more ideas on practicing your midrange game, I recommend you check out this video.
Jesús does a great job of explaining multiple ways to tackle midrange practice.

Flicker Image Creative Commons – MarkScottAustinTX

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